#New Work, #NewLeadership, #PsychologicalSafety, #OrganizationalDesign, #Agile, #Coaching, #Resilience, #Collaboration, #Facilitation, #WorkshopDesign, #VUCA, #LifelongLearning

Born and raised as a „digital native“, I co-founded redtree in 1999, a digital agency as a classical garage company. With interruptions by a degree in business administration and professional stations in german culture and media companies, I returned into the operational business of redtree in 2011. I accompanied the development of the company as well as the participation of two media companies (Lensing Media / rubens) as the COO until 2016. Today, redtree employs about 25 people from a wide range of disciplines and is a specialized solution provider in the energy industry.

After that I devoted myself to the build-up of Ruhr24 within the company group. As the Head of Engineering & Innovation I primarily focussed on the development and establishment of digital business models in the context of high-reach-driven products.

In my latest role as CTO of rumble (RUbens, Medienhaus Bauer, LEnsing Media) I lead a team of tech enthusiasts. We were responsible for every product-related technology and worked on the future of publishing.

My passion is the organizational background, things that are making people move, exploring AI as well as the innovation possibilities through an open mindset, self-effectiveness and organizational development in terms of „new work“.

Looking forward to get in touch: